Trusting the process

    I've talked before about the importance of patience when you are on the journey to a healthier life, and how this is my biggest challenge. Another thing that is crucial is trusting the process. If you have made the choice to life a LCHF/ketogenic lifestyle you will see results. Take one day at a time and focus on your goals for that day. Before you know it, it will be second nature.

    The same goes for working out. Don't stress or think about if you will ever have that dream body. Be in the now and focus on one exercise at a time. Feel the muscles working and feel connected to your body.

    So trust the process and trust that your focus will lead you to the results. Focus on giving it your all.

    4 weeks

    Image - pinterest

Good workout weekend

    Hope you had a great weekend! I had a good workout weekend mixed with fun times with the family.

    This week I plan to:

    Sunday - I ran 5k yesterday and lifted weights (biceps, triceps and shoulders) Monday - rest Tuesday - Weights (biceps, triceps and chest), 30 min jog Wednesday - 30 min walk Thursday - Weights (biceps, triceps and legs), 30 min jog Friday - 30 min walk Saturday - rest Sunday - run 5k (biceps, triceps and shoulders)


    What is your workout plan for this week?

Tracking your workouts

    I've promised myself that I will have a month of all green bars, which means that I have hit my workout goal every day for a month.

    Yesterday after a long day at work I didn't feel like working out at all, and I didn't go to the gym, but I went on a long walk because I was determined to hit goal. It's been a great motivator to move and do something every day for my health.

    Here is my first week. Are you tracking your workouts?


Celebrate accomplishments

Often when we are on our weight-loss or health journey we get very focused on the planning (I will exercise 5 times next week, I will lose 10 pounds by Dec etc). Planning is necessary and good, but it's also very important to look back to celebrate accomplishments. Myself, I've worked out 3 times so far this week, and will go to the gym tonight and go running on Sunday. That is worth a celebration. What are your accomplishments this week? Big or small, they are still accomplishments!

Have a great Friday and weekend! justdidit