Common mistakes at the gym

Have you ever been at gym and seen someone working out and clearly doing it wrong? It's a tricky situation. I never know if I should say something or not, especially when the person could get hurt from their exercise routine or you know that they will never get the results they want.

Here are some common mistakes you should watch out for:

  • Lifting too heavy or too light weights - A sign that you are lifting the wrong weight is that you are not using the muscles you are targeting. For example when I lift too heavy weights during biceps curls I feel it in my chest and stomach instead of my biceps.
  • Reading during your workout - There is no way you can stay engaged and push yourself if you are distracted by a book or magazine. Most folks I've seen reading while doing cardio keep on slowing down without knowing it.
  • Holding on to the cardio machine handrails - Holding on to the rails makes the workout easier, since it prevents you from using your core and keeping your balance.
  • Skipping strength training - Most women forget or are afraid of weight training. By only focusing on cardio, you will not see the best results. You  need both.
  • Doing the same workout day after day - Your body gets used to the workout and you will hit plateau. Switch it up every two weeks.

What will you do next time you see someone doing the wrong move at the gym? Go up and tell someone they are doing it all wrong, or let it go..?