No more resolutions, but a focus

It’s that time of year again when many of us make new year's resolutions only to break them a couple of weeks later. I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes us reach our goals. I have a lot I want to accomplish this year, but honestly— I don’t believe in resolutions anymore. Those feelings of disappointment and guilt when you don’t reach a goal can be paralyzing and overwhelming. Rather than making a resolution, I’m setting a “focus” for my year instead.

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How to make human connections

One thing you have to learn in both college and in your first job is how to make human connections. Why? Well, first off all it would be pretty boring and lonely if you didn’t connect with your co-workers. Feeling connected to the people around you and at your job provides an increased feeling of belonging, purpose, happiness, self-worth and confidence, and that is critical for our wellbeing.

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Don’t despair, you can learn from bad managers too

A question that often comes up in my coaching sessions is "How do you deal with a bad manager?"-- a manager who is disrespectful and who doesn’t care about your career. Unfortunately, I have experience with managers like that, but that didn’t prevent me from learning new things and growing in my career. It taught me what kind of manager I don’t want to be, and things I will never do to my team members. These are also valuable lessons!

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It is never too early to define your leadership style

I’ve realized more and more lately that a lot of people don’t really know the true definition of a leader. People know the standard definition of leadership, that it is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization, but few know how to actually be a great leader. I also have not seen many leaders who have an active plan for becoming the leader they want to be.

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Are you really ready to start your own business?

You and I, Elsa, have new great business ideas all the time, but to be honest not many are good enough to sacrifice our very precious and valuable time on. Time is precious. If you are not truly passionate and committed to giving your all to your business, then don’t do it. It’s a waste of time for you and the people around you, who also has to sacrifice time for you.

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