However bad the news seems there is always something good in there

I’ve had many challenges in my life as you know. I lost grandma six years ago. Due to Visa applications challenges, II was separated from your dad for an entire year after we got married. I've had ongoing challenges in my career where I’ve had to work extra hard as a woman and immigrant, I’m dealing with different health issues etc. There have been many times when I’ve been close to giving up, and wanted to throw in the towel. But I didn’t. Why? Because I truly believe that there is a reason for everything that happens to us.

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Swedish Mys

Dear Daughter,

You have grown up with Swedish Mys in our home, but I just realized that I’ve never explained the concept to you. I also just realized that it’s challenging to explain the concept. Mys is a feeling. I’m going to do my best to describe and document it here, so that you can practice it and know how to implement the same lifestyle at college and in your future home.

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Sneaky strategy

Dear Daughter,

Somebody asked me the other day how I make you, Elsa, read all my posts. I told them I tie you to a chair and….jk! I told them I have a sneaky strategy. Of course, by telling you this now it’s not really a secret strategy anymore, but that is a price I’m willing to pay if it means I can teach you the importance of having a strategy and a plan for your career and life.

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Stop striving for perfection

Dear Daughter,

Perfection. Striving for perfection will prevent you from being good. I struggle myself with perfection. Not because I want to be perfect (I know I’m far from it), but because I want my work to be perfect. I think I’ve created that habit in my career in project management. A project and a task has to be completed and done well before I can cross it off the list.

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