What is your why?

Dear Daughter, 

A “Why” statement is a sentence that describes your unique impact and contribution in life. Why do you the things you do, and what do you want to contribute with your actions? My Why statement is ”I want to show my appreciation for the life I’ve been given by helping as many people as possible, including my family.” This is what drives me in everything I do. That is why I manage  this blog. I want to pay it forward and help you get out as much of life as possible, Elsa. That is also the reason why I started GrassPass with my co-founders. Not only do we provide people an easy way to shop cannabis, but having another job will also help to pay for college for you and your brother. And every day at work I help people in their career. Helping others brings me happiness!

What is your purpose? What is it that drives and motivates you? Look at it from a larger perspective and what you want to offer the world. This needs to be a statement that resonates with you. It doesn’t matter what others think about the statement, or what words you use. This is YOUR statement. By figuring out your own Why you will know what you should focus on to be happy. My statement drives me every day to help someone, and nothing feels better to me than when I’ve made a difference to someone. It can be getting a sincere thank you at work, or watching your face as you read one of these posts Elsa. If you make a frown I know that I hit a nerve and I’m telling you something you know it’s true, but either way it’s something you can learn from. Having a Why statement will help you get through college. When it gets tough with assignments and upcoming exams, it’s good with a reminder why you do this. You do it for for a bigger purpose that matters to you.

Take five minutes today and dig a little bit deeper to figure out your statement. It will help you focus your efforts on what matters to you, and help you push towards your goals.