Nutrition label guide

    The number of products which has nutrition and health labels printed on the packaging has increased significantly in the last 10 years. It's easy to get lost and to know what they really mean.

    Here is a cheat sheet and nutrition label guide

    Grass-fed A good label to look out for on meat and diary. It means that the animal ate grass instead of grain, which means it was less likely to get sick and get antibiotics as a treatment. Also, meat and milk from grass-fed animals is lower in saturated fat and richer in healthy omega-3 and Vitamin D.

    Sugar-free This label means that the product has less than a gram of sugar per serving. Depending on the number of servings in a package, this still doesn't mean that the product is free from a large amount of sugar. Also, check to make sure that the sugar hasn't been replaced with artificial sweeteners. Also, for everyone who is not following a keto/lchf lifestyle, sugar free doesn't mean calorie free so you need to check out the calories on the packaging and monitor your portion control.

    No Antibiotics Added This means that the animal has not been fed any antibiotics, which some public health officials warn that doing so breeds antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can infect people.

    Hormone-free There is no use of hormone in pork or poultry per the USDA rules. However, the USDA and the FDA allows hormone use in beef.

    All Natural This label is the most common and miss-used. Look out for this label, since it doesn't mean that the product is healthy. It can still contain unhealthy amounts of sugar, salt, carbs and fat.

    PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay North America division has announced that approximately 50 percent of its product portfolio will be made with all natural ingredients. So as you can see, "All Natural" does not equal healthy...

    all natural stamp

Are you ready to start the lchf/keto lifestyle?

    How many times have you told yourself, “I’m going to start exercising and eating less starting on Monday”? What ends up happening is that you eat everything in sight the weekend before because, starting Monday, your entire life will be a boring starvation diet. I’ve done that more times than I can count.

    When starting an LCHF lifestyle, it's beneficial to be strict, not only because you will more quickly learn the right way to eat, but you will lose weight faster. Once you've gotten to your goal weight, you can slowly introduce foods such as berries and dark chocolate and experiment to see how much and what you can eat before you start gaining again. Since LCHF is not diet, your journey to weight loss won't be boring and you won’t feel like you are being deprived.

    So, are you ready to start the lchf/keto lifestyle?

    Here you can learn everything about the lchf/keto lifestyle you need to know

    Eat more fat, Fatty! and lose weight

Everyone has time for exercise

.Something I often hear from Clients is that “I don’t have time for exercise” (yes, I have uttered those words as well on some occasions). But do we really need to spend hours at the gym in order to see results?

According to a large-scale new study of exercise and mortality there are benefits to running as little as 5 minutes a day. The findings suggest that the benefits of even small amounts of vigorous exercise may be much greater than experts had assumed. The new study, published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers from Iowa State University, the University of South Carolina, the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., and other institutions turned to a huge database maintained at the Cooper Clinic and Cooper Institute in Dallas.

The runners were much less susceptible than the non-runners. The runners’ risk of dying from any cause was 30 percent lower than that for the non-runners, and their risk of dying from heart disease was 45 percent lower than for non-runners.

I’ve seen good results myself when I’ve exercised intensely for 15 minutes a day. Everyone has time to exercise. You can find 15 minutes a day. Especially when it comes to investing in your health! If you don’t like to run, try to jump a jump rope, biking, use a rowing machine or do some Tabatha exercises.

Like I always say, experiment with different routines and see what works for you. Is it 5 minutes or 15 minutes? Running or interval training? Listen to your body. It will show you the best way. Also, remember to start slowly if you are new to exercising.


Questions and Answers

    . Time for some Questions and Answers. Thanks to all for emailing me your questions! Here we go:

    Hi! I’m stuck in my weight-loss and was wondering what I can do to start seeing a change on the scale again. Thanks, Laura

    Hi Laura, It’s difficult to give advice without knowing more details about your current diet and exercise regime. But some things that always works is to change up your exercise a little. Our bodies adapt pretty quickly to a routine, so it's good to shake it up a bit every 4-6 weeks. Add heavier weights or more intensive cardio. Another thing that works is going back to basics; drink lots of water, look over your daily calorie count etc. If you are following the LCHF/keto lifestyle make sure you don't over eat diary products (it's easy to put too much cream in your coffee etc) or eat to many nuts and almonds (too many carbs). If you email me with more details, I would be happy to give more advice! ...........................

    Hi Madlene! Thanks for a great blog! I love reading your advice and trying the recipe. I was wondering why you don’t post more photos of yourself. Would love to see more of you and your journey. Best, Maggie

    Hi Maggie, I’m so happy you like the blog! I have to admit that I hate to be in photos, but I will try :)


    Hi Madlene, I've just fallen "off the LCHF wagon", and I'm wondering what do I do now. I've lost almost 14 pounds so far with a strict LCHF diet, but last weekend I went to a party and lost it completely. I ate every dessert in sight. I feel lost now and don't know what to do next. Help! Thanks, Kim

    Hi Kim, We've all been in those situation, and probably will be again. Personally I think it's best to accept lifes ups and downs, and always look ahead. I used to be of the mindset that if I had eaten something "bad" I would just keep on eating. I had ruined the day, so why not continue? But someone once told me a saying which has helped me many times - if you fall down a stairs and get up half way. Would you through yourself the stairs and continue to tumble down? Of course not. The same with eating, why would you continue eating if you caught yourself half way. Also, try to see LCHF/keto as a lifestyle, and not a diet. Life will always be up and down, so go with the flow. So forgive yourself, celebrate your incredible success (you lost 14 pounds!) and keep on going!

    Thanks for all emails! Keep on sending them :)

Health magazine article

    Interesting Health magazine article questioning if butter is really back. The article states that it is wrong to think all fat is good for you, and promotes the low-fat diet. What the article doesn't clarify is how to consume the fat to see full benefit of the lifestyle. Disappointing. This article just confuses people more.

    As I always say, make your own opinion. Seek out information and research, use your commonsense and find out what works for you. I follow the LCHF/keto lifestyle

    The Health magazine article

      Health Magazine article

      Healthe magazine article

Myths and answers about LCHF/Keto

    There are a lot of myths and beliefs about the LCHF/Keto lifestyle, and unfortunately you will be met with comments or critiques when you start with this new lifestyle. The best way to prove them wrong is to show them your own results. Here are some myths with answers to prepare you even more to stand up to criticism.

    Myth #1 - "When you follow an LCHF lifestyle you are not allowed to eat any carbs” Answer: Not true. You can and should eat vegetables, nuts, and dairy products. You can also eat some berries. You are just eating healthy carbs in a limited amount.

    Myth #2 - "You are going to have to eat unnatural amounts of fat" Answer: No. You can eat a lot of fat if you want to since you won't gain weight from it, but it's not something you will do since you are only supposed to eat until you are full. Add lots of healthy fats such as olive oil, an avocado, etc., but don't eat them if you are full. Try to eat loads of mayo on your grilled chicken and salad. After a few minutes you are so stuffed that you can't continue eating.

    Myth #3 - "You turn stupid when you eat LCHF because the brain needs carbohydrates” (This is my personal favorite and I hear it all the time. Where do people get these ideas from?) Answer: That is a wrong statement. You will get plenty of carbs (not that they are needed anyway) from the vegetables and nuts that you are eating.

    Myth #4 - "Your body is not going to get all the vitamins and nutrients it needs with an LCHF lifestyle" Answer: Actually, your body will probably get more vitamins than it's ever gotten. You are replacing all the junk food and processed carbohydrates with wholesome food: vegetables, berries, nuts, meats, seafood, etc. Remember, an egg has all the vitamins you need in one day. Add a couple of slices of lemon to your water and you are all set.

    Myth #5 - ”LCHF is extremely dangerous for the arteries because all that butter is going to clog them up" Answer: Last time I checked I'm warm blooded, so no, all that butter is not going to harden and clog my arteries. LCHF could actually increase your HDL and decrease your risk for heart disease.

    Myth #6 - ”Your cholesterol is going to sky rocket now that you are eating eggs and bacon daily" Answer: Well, first of all I don't eat eggs and bacon every day. But I do love eggs so I eat them a couple times a week. I can't resist when I think of all the vitamins and nutrients they give me. My cholesterol has never been better since I started with LCHF.

    Myth #7 - "People on LCHF must be feeling like crap since they’re not eating any carbs" Answer: Yes, if you have been living on bread, pasta, and cookies, you might feel a little bit lousy during the first week or two as your body adjusts to your new healthy lifestyle. But after the transition you will feel better than ever.

    Find more information in my book - Eat More Fat, Fatty - and lose weight

Lack of energy

Have you found yourself with a lack of energy this Summer? The most common reason for not having energy in the Summer is dehydration since it's not easy to keep up with drinking enough water. Dehydration can cause many different issues in our bodies, including fatigue, headaches, and general lethargy.

Another reason for lack of energy can be not moving enough. It may sound counter-intuitive, but one thing that could be slowing you down is actually a lack of movement and exercise. Keeping your blood pumping could make all the difference in your energy levels and general mood. Even doing something as simple as a ten-minute walk every day is great.

Overeating or undereating can also be a reason for feeling sluggish. Overeating can make us feel groggy and fatigued because our body expends more energy when it has a lot of food to digest. This can leave our brains and body deprived of the fuel it needs. Undereating will make your blood sugar drop, dragging your daily energy down. Skipping meals or letting too much time pass between meals are recipes for low-energy. Eating according to the LCHF/Ketogenic lifestyle help keep the blood sugar even and the energy steady.

One of our biggest energy thief is of course sleep deprivation. Most people do not get enough sleep on a nightly basis, and it’s doing more than just making them yawn throughout the day. Habitual sleep deprivation can lead to chronic fatigue, as well as a lot of other mental and physical health issues. We have all heard that 8 hours a night the ideal amount of sleep, but a study at UCSD shows that as far as health benefits are concerned, 8 hours isn’t the ideal; it’s 6.5 hours. The study looked at 1.1 million people’s sleep over the course of 6 years, and looked at the relationship between amount of sleep and patients’ longevity. The study found that sleeping as little as 5 hours per night is better for you than sleeping 8, and it even determined that insomnia is better for you, long-term health wise, than taking sleeping pills. According to the study, 6.5 hours is the sweet spot for lowering your risk of cancer.

So to stay energized; drink water, keep your blood sugar level balanced, keep on moving and sleep 6.5 hours a night. How do you keep your energy levels up?

Having a water bottle handy makes it easier to stay hydrated

Reebok water bottle

I love Mondays!

.I love Mondays - it's a new start. It's the time to get focused and figure out what my health goals are for the week. As you know I'm a big fan of workout challenges. They are easy to follow and you see results. So my goal this week is to follow this challenge every day, workout 4 times (run and weights) and follow a strict LCHF plan.

My daughter and I started this challenge 5 days ago. It's going to be interesting to see how it goes. Not sure if either of us will be able to do 60 crunches... This is the reason why I like challenges. You get to push yourself and also get to know your limits and your body. I will keep you posted on how it goes. Will you join us?

workout challenge

Source: Catch 88

Hungry or bored

.This quote is so true. Often when I start craving something or I think I'm hungry, it's because I'm bored and I have time to think about food. And even more often it is because I'm just thirsty. Next time you have a craving grab some water and give it 10 minutes. You will find yourself not wanting to eat something.

Another thing I've learned since I started following the LCHF/Ketogenic lifestyle is that I have so much more time when I'm not constantly thinking about food. The lifestyle gives you the time to pick up a new hobby which ensures you don't get bored and eat something unnecessary.

So next time you have a craving, ask yourself - am I hungry or bored?

bored or hungry

Image: Pinterest

Eating out healthy

.Even though we have a kitchen in our vacation house we end up eating out a lot. It's not always easy to find healthy options. Here are some helpful advice on eating out healthy:

1. Don't be afraid of asking Most restaurants don't mind if you change the meal. Ask them to hold the french fries and give you more vegetable/salad.

2. Try to find a buffet That way you can pick plenty of veggies and protein. Stay away from veggies which grow in the ground and corn. Use olive oil as dressing.

3. Think clean eating Go to a restaurant which offer a menu where you can find grilled chicken/beef with veggies vs. stews etc.

4. Dessert A cheese platter is a great dessert, or berries with whip cream. That way you don't need to say no to dessert!

Swedish portion sizes

.We have arrived in Sweden. We are here to visit my family for a couple of weeks. As we took the train from the airport to my town, I was reminded of the Swedish portion sizes. Check out the cup of coffee I had on the train. The cup is no bigger than my hand. This size is a little bit different from the Grande Blonde I have every morning at Starbucks in Boston...It's worth thinking about...

coffee cup

How sugar affects the brain

.Great TED presentation by Nicole Avena about how sugar affects the brain. Like I've said before - sugar is white poison.

"When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine -- an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more. Nicole Avena explains why sweets and treats should be enjoyed in moderation." Check out the video here.

sugar pile

Image: pinterest

Congratulations Jack Osbourne!

Congratulations to Jack Osbourne for his lifestyle change. What a fantastic accomplishment! Jack credited the ketogenic/low-carb Paleo diet for helping him manage his multiple sclerosis and fueling his recent 70-pound weight loss. Jack's mother, Sharon Osbourne, lost 30 pounds in six weeks by following a ketogenic-style Atkins diet that limited her daily carb intake to about 25 grams. Sharon, 61, has said she has never felt better. jack osbourne

Michael Buckner/Getty Images Article

The importance of sleep

.Getting too little sleep can have serious consequences for your health. People who don't get enough sleep often have higher levels of chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Lack of sleep can also elevate blood sugar and lead to higher levels of hormones that causes hunger and sugar cravings.

Tips for sleeping better

- Limit eating and drinking alcohol within the hours before bed. A large meal before bed can cause indigestion that interferes with sleep. Alcohol before bed can result in waking frequently. I've noticed that when I've had something to eat before bed, I have really strange dreams. I often wake up exhausted from nightmares.

- Try to go to bed with a good blood sugar level. Elevated nocturnal blood glucose can wake you up to the bathroom which will interfere with your deep sleep. Following a ketogenic/LCHF lifestyle ensures a good blood sugar level. I sleep like a baby!

- Find a way to wind down before bed. Many recommend not watching TV before bed.

- Exercise early. There is some evidence that exercising reduces the quality of your sleep. This is a tough one for me since I have to workout at night because of my work schedule. I find myself staying up later when I excessive because I have so much new energy, which makes me more tired the next day.

Are you getting a good night sleep every night? Share your tips!

CPR training

.I went to CPR training this weekend. To be honest I didn't feel like going at all. The sun was shining outside and I was going to sit inside all day. But I'm so happy I went. The teacher was fantastic, I met great people and I learned a lot. I enjoyed every minute of it.

The most important take away was that an adult has 8 minutes of oxygen in their lungs so the most important thing to do when someone's heart has stopped is pushing on their chest so that the heart circulates the blood. Keep on pushing until the ambulance or firefighters come to take over. I hope I never have to use this new skill...
