I love Mondays!

.I love Mondays - it's a new start. It's the time to get focused and figure out what my health goals are for the week. As you know I'm a big fan of workout challenges. They are easy to follow and you see results. So my goal this week is to follow this challenge every day, workout 4 times (run and weights) and follow a strict LCHF plan.

My daughter and I started this challenge 5 days ago. It's going to be interesting to see how it goes. Not sure if either of us will be able to do 60 crunches... This is the reason why I like challenges. You get to push yourself and also get to know your limits and your body. I will keep you posted on how it goes. Will you join us?

workout challenge

Source: Catch 88

Nike Fuel Band

.I've found one of the best motivator ever! The Nike Fuel band. So far it's motivated me run and lift weights every day since I bought it last week. I'm also taking the long way every time I need to walk somewhere to get extra points. Not only does it motivate me to reach my goal every day, but I'm also competing with friends which helps even more.


Nike Fuel band measure all your activities and shows calories burnt, steps taken, fuel points earned etc. I love that is has a watch too, so that I don't have to wear the band and my watch.

This week's workout challenge

.Ready for new week? I am! How about sculpting our arms this week? I've never liked my arms, but that is about to change. I've put together a challenge that is going to last for as long as you would like. You start with 10 push-ups the first day and then add a push-up every day. Let's see how far we can go!

So let's kick off this week's workout challenge, and say after me - it's going to be a great week!

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This week's workout challenge

.This week's workout challenge is a little bit different from the others. Even though Spring is taking its time to show up it's time to get outside to get some fresh air. I also added water to this week's challenge because drinking water does wonders to our health. I'm bad at times with drinking water, so I'm happy to have a challenge that will get me going and keep me motivated. I always feel a big difference in my energy level when I drink lots of water.

Fresh air, burning calories and dehydrating. You can't go wrong with that combination!

workout challenge

This week's workout challenge

.Hope you had a great weekend!

I usually kick-off the week with a new Stellibell workout challenge. I find trying new workouts a great motivator, and it's great way to start of the week. Depending on your fitness goal, fitness level and time availability, our workout challenges might be enough exercise for the week (I usually do the challenges three times a week). If you, like me, need to add some exercise to your routine, then looking for an exercise app might be a good idea.

Right now I'm using the app "Couch to 5k". The reason while I like to use an app is because it saves me time (no trip to the gym) and it helps me track my progress. I've never been a big runner, and this app has really helped me get going.

Here are some other good options:

Hot5 A great app which contains pages and pages of 5-minute video workouts that are super easy to follow. Everything from core to yoga. For us who need a quick workout, this app is great.

Kettlebell Training: The Basics RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor Robert Budd safely walks you through the basic kettlebell exercises. With over 20 exercises and 12 complete workouts to follow, you won't get bored next time you work out.

GymPact If you are looking for serious motivation, this is your app. Make a commitment to work out a certain number of times a week. Choose the amount of money you are willing to risk if you don't reach your goal. If you don't achieve your goal? Your credit card gets charged. Achieve your goal? You get paid! The days of being paid to work out have finally come!

Which one is your favorite app?

This week's workout challenge

Let's try another type of workout challenge this week. It's good to mix it up now and then so that you challenge your muscles. Stellibell's squat challenge:

Sit down into a deep squat, making sure your knees don't go over your toes.

Monday: 20 squats Tuesday: 30 squats Wednesday: 40 squats Thursday: 50 squats Friday: 60 squats Saturday: 70 squats Sunday: 80 squats

Have fun!

Make your workout sessions count

Last night when I was at the gym I realized how much people need help and they don’t even know it. They are working out for hours and they probably don’t see much results because only 10% is exercise and 80% is diet. With LCHF you will lose weight without exercising, but does that mean you shouldn’t exercise? I believe we all should exercise for our health. Get the blood pumping and get all the toxins out! Eating right and exercising is not only going to help you lose weight the healthiest way, but also in the most efficient way. And we all want to save time, right? Instead of wasting hours in the gym, decrease your workout time and work out more intense. Interval training or tabata training are great methods to push the intensity in your workout sessions. Our workout challenges are great for fast results in less time.

Here is this week’s challenge.

workout challenge 3

As always, email me at molander@stellibell.com if you have any questions, and to give me your progress report.

Let’s live!

Weekend workout

Love the weekends! It’s the only day when we have time for a long breakfast together. This morning we enjoyed scrambled eggs, bacon and raspberries. A great LCHF breakfast for the entire family. I managed to go to the gym this morning after breakfast. I put out the clothes by the bed the night before so that I wouldn’t have any excuses. I knew I would go if I had already put on my workout clothes. I have never been good at working out in the mornings. I don’t have the same strength or energy as I have in the evenings. If you are just starting to work out, try different times of the day to find the perfect time for you. It can make a big difference in your results. This morning I ran on the treadmill and did our workout challenge. I gave it my all so that I was out of there in less than an hour. So worth it!