Time-saving tip #2 – cleaning

Who doesn't want to save time and cut down on time spent on cleaning? I have to admit I’m a clean freak, but I don’t clean for hours every week. Here are some things that help me keep the house clean ongoing and help save me time: - I clean out the fridge (throw out old food and wipe it down) before I put in new groceries (when the Stellibell Menu and Delivery Service arrives on Sundays) - I’ve created a cleaning schedule for main tasks, so that they fit in to our overall schedule with kids activities etc - Vacuuming on Saturdays (dusting before vacuuming) – tops 30 mins. Put on your workout clothes and vacuum as fast as you can. It’s a workout! - Laundry on Sundays. Start early in the morning so you have it done early and can relax in the afternoon. - Bathrooms – I take 2 mins to wipe it down every night, and I scrub the shower while I take a shower. This way I don’t have to set aside 30 minutes a week to clean the bathroom.

- Kitchen – we all help out with dishes and to clean up after dinner so that the kitchen is clean ongoing. - Our house is a two-story house so we place everything that has to go upstairs on the stairs, and no one goes upstairs without grabbing what is on the stairs.

As you can see I maintain the house with 15 minutes cleaning here and there, and by doing so, I never spend 2 hours straight cleaning every weekend. These routines are not only a great way to save time but they also a great for our health to keep the house clean ongoing.

What are your time-saving tips for cleaning? Please share with me at molander@stellibell.com

Lavender oil for cuticles

Giving away gifts is more fun than receiving gifts. Don’t you agree? If they are homemade it’s even more fun. Here is an oil I make and use myself, but also love to give to friends. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so start making some! Ingredients

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 5 drops lavender essential oil 2 drops lemon essential oil

Directions Warm the oil to a comfortable temperature and add the oils. Stir to mix. Soak your fingertips for about 10 minutes. Pour the oil in a bottle for storage.

The oil can be reused several time. Store it in a bottle in a cool place and re-heat before use.

Weekend workout

Love the weekends! It’s the only day when we have time for a long breakfast together. This morning we enjoyed scrambled eggs, bacon and raspberries. A great LCHF breakfast for the entire family. I managed to go to the gym this morning after breakfast. I put out the clothes by the bed the night before so that I wouldn’t have any excuses. I knew I would go if I had already put on my workout clothes. I have never been good at working out in the mornings. I don’t have the same strength or energy as I have in the evenings. If you are just starting to work out, try different times of the day to find the perfect time for you. It can make a big difference in your results. This morning I ran on the treadmill and did our workout challenge. I gave it my all so that I was out of there in less than an hour. So worth it!

What are you reading?

I went to the book store the other day to get a break and to find some inspiration. It’s one of my favorite places. We have a coffee shop in our book store and I can sit there for hours reading and drinking coffee. My husband and I take our kids there on the weekends when we need to get out of the house, and they love it as much as we do. The other day when I was sitting there I started thinking about the kind of books and magazines I read. For example, I don’t read the news every day. I skim the world news, but that is it. I probably should pay more attention to the news but they make me really upset and sad so I’ve stopped. I read cook books, interior design books, workout magazines, business magazines etc. In other words everything that inspires me and makes me happy. Are you paying attention to what you are reading every day? It affects our emotions more than we think.

And speaking of being selective in what we read…I passed by the “diet” section. These books I crossed of my reading list as soon as I found LCHF. One of the main reasons why I love LCHF is because it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle you can live by. Who would anyone want to be on a diet and be hungry all the time? Check out Eat more fat, Fatty and cross off these books from your reading list too. Let’s live!