Why is it so difficult to find that moment, and start living your dream life?

I Hope you had a great weekend!

I had a fantastic meeting with a new Client this weekend, who is ready for a new lifestyle. She has reached that moment when you realize you need to change your lifestyle. I call that moment - the beginning. It's the beginning to happiness, freedom and endless possibilities. It's the beginning to a life everyone deserves to live. So then why is it so difficult to find that moment to start living your dream life, and to take that first step?

It's fear. The fear of failing prevents us from believing in a new beginning. What's the point of starting if I'm not going to reach my goal anyway? 

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. –George Addair

Since your dream life is on the other side of fear, you need to work through them. Getting through fear is a skill that anyone can learn. The first step is to be aware of your fears and to identify them. Are you afraid of failure, afraid that your family won't accept the new you, afraid that you won't see the results you want? Think about what is stopping you from starting living healthy and what you are afraid of. Become an observer of your thoughts. Once you have identified and started to face your fears, affirmations are a great way to working through them and keep on going.

Say these affirmations out loud every day with conviction

  • As I challenge my fears, I am strengthened & empowered.
  • Facing my fears empowers me to rise above them.
  • As I challenge my fears, I release my need to dwell on them.
  • Everything in my life is safe and secure.
  • I accept that most of my fears only exist in a fictitious future that I have created in my imagination.
  • I act in spite of the fear and the fear fades away.

“Failure will not overcome me so long as my will to succeed is stronger” – Micheal S. Kirby

Start facing your fears today, and start living the life you want!