Fast-food and snack-food brands are fighting for survival

Good article on

"As consumers cut sugar and salt from their diets, fast-food and snack-food brands are fighting for survival. And part of their survival strategy is to downsize, with many brands slashing product sizes or introducing smaller versions of signature offerings."

I'm happy to see that brands are responding to consumers looking to cut sugar from their diets. Coke and Pepsi have the 7.5 ounce cans and Oreo now has the Oreo Thins. These products are great for people who are able to have a treat now and then, and leave it at that. Unfortunately, that is not the majority of people.

For people like me who are addicted to sugar, these "small treats" will be enough to fall back and trigger overeating. I also don't recommend anyone drinking soda or eating Oreo's, so while this is a good step in the right direction, it's still not enough. At the end of the day, these brands are just trying to figure out how to continue selling us junk food.