The benefit of eating cabbage

We had some delicious sauteed cabbage for dinner last night. I sauteed it in olive oil with a little bit of salt.

Cabbage is an excellent source of Vitamin K, C and B6. It is also a good source of manganese, fiber, potasium, Vitamin B1, folate and copper.

Many studies have suggested that increased consumption of cabbage can reduce heart disease, diabetes and increase your energy levels.

Here are some other benefits of eating cabbabe

  • Cabbage is a low carb vegetable and is in high in fiber
  • Cabbage helps high blood pressure (which is why I cooked it for my husband last night), since it high content of potassium helps open up blood vessels and increases blood flow
  • It's high content of Vitamin C and sulphur helps remove toxins that cause arthritis and skin diseases.
  • Cabbage has cancer preventive compounds; lupeol, sinigrin and sulforaphane
  • Cabbage