Your salt intake

Happy Monday!

I've been noticing lately how much my salt intake impact how i feel. I have never noticed a big difference in the past, except some bloating after I have had sushi with soy sauce or a lot of other salty foods. Since I don't rarely eat any processed foods my sodium intake is minimal, which might be why I'm reacting to it more now when I eat it.

Limiting how much processed foods you are eating is one of the easiest ways to limit how much sodium you eat. Americans consume, on average, about 50 percent more than the daily recommended intake of salt, and most of the excess sodium is coming from processed foods like dressings, frozen meals, potato chips, pretzels, cold cuts, canned foods etc. Sticking to the daily recommendation of 2,300 milligrams per day or less can prevent a bloated belly and high blood pressure and other health conditions at bay.