Cooking inspiration

It's very easy for me to get bored of cooking. The reason for that is that I just lose inspiration, and I end up eating the same things every day. I've also noticed that the same boredom is the reason why some of my Clients don't stick to their eating plans. So I've come up with a couple of different ways to find cooking inspiration.

First the basic stuff

  • Try new recipes every week
  • Make sure every dish includes a wide variety of colors (green cucumbers, red peppers,  purple eggplant etc) and lots of flavor
  • Eat slowly and enjoy every bite
  • Read new food blogs, go to Pinterest for food inspiration

Another idea that I found working is creating a cooking team. Get together with a couple of friends to create a menu for the week, go shopping together and then go to one of your places to cook together. Everyone brings glass food containers so that you can divide up all the meals, and everyone can bring home their dishes and place them in the freezer until they are ready to be eaten. Not only do you get to hang out with friends, but cooking becomes a fun task. 

Cooking team set-up

  • Meet every 2-3 weeks
  • Make enough so that everyone can walk away with 10-15 meals each 
  • Pick recipes that take about 30 mins to make (the key is quick shopping and quick cooking)
  • Eat one of the dishes together after you are done cooking, packing food and cleaning up
  • Team cooking is a great Sunday event
  • Everyone research new recipes ongoing so that you cook new dishes every time
  • Stews are great for freezing and re-heating