Going vegetarian

More and more of my Clients wants to become vegetarians and skip the meat. Some of them choose this route because of the environment, some out of respect for animals but most of them chose to give up meat for their health. My family and I have also been having more vegetarian days lately, and we are starting to feel a difference in our energy and well-being.  I definitely support this direction, even though the kids are not always up for eating the veggies I serve (but that is a blog post for another day...). I do not miss the meat on our vegetarian days.

The first thing people ask me when they are thinking about going vegetarian is how them can ensure they get enough protein when only eating vegetables. Proteins are critical to our health as they break down into amino acids that promote cell growth and repair. Protein also take longer to digest than carbohydrates, helping you feel fuller for longer and on fewer calories, which is great for anyone trying to lose weight. 

So how much protein do you need? Women should get about 46 grams of protein per day, and men need about 56. Many vegetarians opt to still eat eggs and diary, which makes it easier to get protein. But if you only want to eat vegetables, it's still pretty easy to ensure you get enough protein.

Quinoa is a great option since it has more than 8 grams of protein per cup. Add it to salads and soups. Two cups of raw spinach contain 2.1 grams of protein, and one cup of chopped broccoli contains 8.1 grams. Chickpeas contain 7.3 grams of protein in just half a cup. Make some homemade hummus with chickpeas and eat it with broccoli and you have a protein packed meal! See how easy it is, and how quickly the grams of protein adds up?

I see a challenge coming on...start with one vegetarian day each week and then you increase it slowly. Your body and soul will thank you!

Potato and broccoli casserole. The broccoli and cheese will give you plenty of protein.