Prevent muscle loss

I know that I have to take it easy a couple of more weeks, but taking it easy is not my strong suit...I tried to lift some weights last night, without straining my stomach to much. I don't want to lose the muscles I've been able to build up.

Now when I've passed 40 (that feels so weird to write. 40...when I feel like only 30..!), I also make sure that I eat plenty of protein so that I don't lose muscles. We lose 20% of our muscle mass between ages 40 and 60. And muscle loss contribute to decrease in bone mass, and of course loss in strength.

Studies show that eating protein throughout the day is better than eating most of your protein at dinner only. I have eggs (boiled or scrambled) for breakfast, grilled chicken of fish with veggies for lunch and dinner. Another benefit of having protein with every meal is that you will stay full longer, so no need for snacks and unnecessary calories! The combination of eating protein and lifting weights is great to prevent muscle loss.