Headaches when changing your eating habits

I've always loved Mondays. It a chance to start fresh. And now when I meet with Emma every Monday morning, I like Monday's even more. Emma started her health journey about a month ago, and is doing great. It's inspiring to see her enthusiasm and motivation.

So far we've made assessments of Emma's current environment, set goals and created eating- and workout- plans.

In today's meeting Emma mentioned that she has been getting headaches. This is common in the beginning when you change your eating habits. We've been cutting out processed foods and sugar (which is a strong drug), which your body will react to in the beginning. I told Emma to make sure she stays dehydrated. Another thing that might be happening is that Emma is drinking more fluids than before and that is affecting her sodium and potassium levels, which can cause headaches. Emma is going to monitor and document her water intake, and if the headaches continues she is going to drink some seltzer waters and increase her salt intake a little bit. She s going make sure she gets potassium by eating avocado, spinach, broccoli, nuts and tomatoes. This should help the headaches, which usually only lasts one or two weeks.

Besides the headaches, Emma is doing great. She has been following her eating plan and making sure she takes long walks every day and yoga three times a week. Go Emma!