Valentine's Day craft

If you need a good Valentine's Day craft idea, here is an easy, inexpensive and cute project for you. My daughter and I did these “message cones” today. I wanted to come up with a project that would teach her that a Valentine’s gift doesn’t need to include sugar (you know how much I love sugar…), but also teach her the value of showing appreciation and that you care about someone. My daughter is 10 years old and she managed to do most of these steps herself. Supplies

• Wrapping paper • Tissue paper • Stickers for decorations • Paper and pen • Pipe cleaner or ribbon • Tape


1. Make a cone with a sturdy wrapping paper. Use tape to put it together. 2. Add a layer of tissue paper inside. 3. Decorate the cone. 4. Write messages on small papers, fold them up and place them in the cone. 5. Close the cone using pipe cleaners. Add a “to-and-from” tag before you close the pipe cleaners. 6. Give to your valentine and receive smiles and hugs!

valentine's day supplies

valentine's day craft

valentine's day craft

valentine's day craft

valentine's day craft