Feng Shui Makeover - happiness

.I'm continuing my Feng Shui journey to improve happiness. I've found that soothing sounds of nature make for a calming environment and impact happiness. Try to create a playlist of natural sounds; gentle ocean waves, mountain streams, birds, a gentle breeze through the trees etc. When you listen to sounds of nature, your heart rate slows down, your breathing becomes more expansive and your nerves are calmed. It's important that it is a recording that’s made from the actual sounds of nature (not electronically produced), since the life-force energy flowing from natural surroundings will be healing for your body and mind. When your space is calm, your thoughts slow down and you can begin to hear the guidance from your soul.

We've started playing nature sounds and calming music every evening, and we've found that the entire family is calmer. Dinner time and homework is a calm experience now = happiness.


Feng Shui Makeover - your career

.Time for another feng shui post. This is about your career.

By updating our office space we can attract success in our careers:

- Personalize your office space and express who you are. - Add career inspiration to your office. Add photos of people who inspire you, or classical feng shui career success images such as a running horse. - Make sure the energy can flow through your office by keeping it clean and organized. - Move your desk so that you don't sit with your back to the door or the window. - Stimulate creativity by adding vibrant colors. - Keep healthy green plants in your office to purify the air and bring fresh and vibrant energy. - Adding a map of the world in your office is a good feng shui cure to open up your career path to more possibilities.

My home office. The room has four doors so it's impossible to not have my back to the door. We will see how it will impact my career...


Feng Shui makeover - foyer

When we talk about health we talk a lot about food and exercise, but what about our surroundings? How much does our home affect our stress levels? I've never tried Feng Shui, so I've decided to try it and see if I will see a change. Hopefully I don't have to re-organize the whole house... :)

Our homes are an accumulation of the energy of the things, people and animals in them. Since we spend so much time in our homes, the way they interact with our energy field is considered to have a powerful influence on our lives affecting our relationships, careers, prosperity and health. Creating a home that supports, inspires and nurtures us is considered equivalent to creating a balanced, healthy and happy life.

I’ve decided to take a stab at the foyer first. I'm going to do this Feng Shui makeover on a budget, so I'm just re-arranging furniture and not buying anything new for my home.

This is what I've found out in my research:

• Making changes to the foyer will immediately result in a change in well-being and success, since that's where the energy enters and moves out negative energy. • We know how important first impressions are. Think of the foyer as the first impression when someone comes in to your house. What does the artwork and furniture say about you? Do you have the clothes organized or are they thrown on a chair? • To allow the flow of Chi through your home, make sure your entry is welcoming; clean and bright, unobstructed and joyful. An entry that is dark, restrictive and cluttered is oppressive and depressing, which will stop the Chi. • Think about creating breaks to stop the chi before it rushes into the home. You can do this by creating a beautiful area that allows us to pause and reflect, lifting our chi and inspiring us as we enter. • A wall mirror at the entry way is a great way to welcome in the chi. Just make sure it is not placed directly across from the front door or it will send the chi right back out.

Before pictures - messy shoes, dirty rug.

Feng Shui foyer

Dark hallway

Feng Shui foyer

Messy clothes making the hallway dark and uninviting.

Feng Shui foyer

After pictures - I've cleaned up the clothes, removed the bags and switched out the chair to a white chair to make the foyer lighter.

Feng Shui foyer

I rolled up the curtain higher to let in more light

Feng Shui foyer

A wall mirror at the entry way to welcome in the chi

Feng Shui foyer

I added pretty things (a plant and shells for natural materials) to create a beautiful area that allows us to pause and reflect

Feng Shui foyer

I will let you know if I see and feel any difference after this Feng Shui makeover. Which room should I pick next? I would love to hear your suggestions and Feng Shui advice - molander@stellibell.com.