Weight-loss around the holidays

I'ts Monday again! Emma is doing good. She has lost 1/2 pound from last week, which is great. We spent our meeting talking about self-sabotage and how easy it is to ruin our healthy eating plans during the holidays. The entire last week Emma fought against her negative thoughts; it's only two weeks until the holidays, you might as well eat now! You are not going to be able to stick to your plan during the holidays, so why even try now! And so on and on and on...

We are often our own worst enemies. We need to learn how to shut down the negative thoughts. This is a subject Emma and I talk about at almost every meeting, since this is one of the biggest challenges everyone meets on their journey to a healthy lifestyle.

Instead of talking yourself into eating unhealthy before the holidays, tell yourself that you are worth only the best and that you will stay healthy. Life is all about balance, and if you focus on feeding your body nutrition now, you can have a treat for the holidays. Also, when you are trying to talk yourself into eating something unhealthy it's because you are still in the mindset of a diet and you feel deprived. Make sure that you eat delicious healthy and filling meals so that you keep your taste buds happy and that you are not feeling hungry. Eating healthy doesn't mean eating boring.

Take a moment to plan out the next two weeks. What healthy dinners can you cook that you will enjoy? What treats are you going to enjoy during the holidays that will not ruin your journey to health? Planning will make or break your journey to healthy lifestyle.

You can have cookies during the holidays, just not every day...